TEX Rules



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The following are the official TEX rules which must be followed by all TEX members.  Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

TEX has a strict hierarchy which should be respected.  All members must show respect for one another and - particularly - respect for higher ranking members such as the President, the Vice Presidents, the CIA and the Generals.  Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action ranging from disranking all the way to dishonorable discharge depending on the severity of the misconduct.

TEX has allied clans including OSS, UDS, AFV, IAF, FU, et cetera.  These clans must be treated with respect.  Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action ranging from disranking all the way to dishonorable discharge depending on the severity of the misconduct.

Ranking - In order to rank within TEX, the member must play and win 6 games out of 10 with the higher ranking members of TEX which are the Generals or higher.  Ranking games will be held once a month at a given date which will be posted on the site.  In order to rank, you must send an e-mail stating that you wish to try for a rank and a date will be set and posted upon the site. 

A rank is an honor, you earn it through trying out but you maintain it through exemplary TEX attitude, frequent zone playing (at least 3 times a week), and respect.  Lack of one or all of these prerequisites will result in disciplinary action ranging from disranking all the way to dishonorable discharge depending on the severity of the misconduct.  A rank is given to you and can - and will - be taken away if required.

TEX members must avoid being in confrontations, never cheat, and always try to be the bigger person in difficult situations because whenever a TEX member is involved in troublesome situations, the whole TEX clan is represented thus giving TEX an unfavorable reputation.  TEX has worked VERY hard to obtain and maintain the reputation that we have now.  Any member who tarnishes the TEX reputation will be dishonorably discharged.

We reserve to right to modify the rules and/or the disciplinary actions as need be without warning.  Rules will be enforced by Generals or higher.

TEX is like a family, we are all friends, and the above rules are only common sense therefore should be easy to follow.  However, there are some people who have trouble with common sense, hence the need to write out the rules such as done above.  We do not wish to have to enforce the above rules with disciplinary action however are prepared to do so if inevitable.  We just want to have a good time!  See you all on the zone for good, clean fun! :)
